Gaming , General , Machinima , Review , Video , World of Warcraft

TCG Goodies & My Horse

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I bought some more cards! In this collection is a total of 101 Cards. More Info on the Scourgewar series checkout UpperDeck official website. The Little White Stallion Bridle item which is obtained through the Trading Card Game (Loot Cards) can be seen in the video below. The drawback of this item is that you will receive 50 ‘charges’ so it is a limited use item. It’s by no means a permanent/regular mount, only an item in your backpack. I made a small clip of my “Tiny” mount from WoW:

Gaming , General , Machinima , PvE , Video , World of Warcraft

Renewed.. Love is in the Air!

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Well it’s time of the year again, the valentines are filled out & perfume/cologne is abused. This year is different though! The in-game world event for Love is in the Air received a major face-lift this year. We have a completely different system for the [Love Token] and the needed achievement items / vanity items. Many sites like and MMO-Champ have laid out the details but it’s a good change to this holiday. You can now guarantee grabbing a Peddlefeet! I’m actually not to worried about getting it complete on my alts with this nerf/change. Here is a screenshot […]