Gaming , General , Review , World of Warcraft

King of Dire Maul

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Been working a lot on achievements this last month.  The last week though, I spent roughly 30+ hours in Dire Maul which was over 120 instance resets. You might wonder how many sane people would farm Dire Maul at level 80 for almost a week.  The answer: REP!! In order to get the Title Reward: The Exalted, you need to have [40 Exalted Reputations].  You can see below that I’m now only 1 away from my goal of 40. But back to Dire Maul, unknown to some — it can be used to gain reputation with the Steamwheedle Cartel (Four […]


They Love Me In That Tunnel

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After about four or five hours of work, I earned [They Love Me In That Tunnel]. I went from Unfriendly all the way to Exalted in just one day.  Patch 3.0.8 was a great patch for reputation and achievement junkies. Timbermaw Hold was the last reputation I need for [The Diplomat] achievement and title. Wootz

Gaming , World of Warcraft

The Molten Core, Part 1

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Remember Level 60 Raiding? Like Molten Core 40mans? Some of the millions of subscribers surely do… maybe not the Burning Crusade generation or any new players starting off in Wrath of the Lich King era.  Those were some good ol’ days of raiding.  Days where it did not matter so much if you did not have a full raid.  Back then some of the fights seemed so hard to master but by today’s standards, they’re a piece of cake. My Warlock and a Protection Paladin friend of mine 2-manned a good 2/5 of Molten Core, check back later for an […]

Gaming , World of Warcraft

Uriahworld the Love Fool

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After four days, Uriahworld finally has his [Fool For Love] achievement complete! The part that most players have trouble with is the [Be Mine!] achievement because it’s a random item from the Gifts you can only obtain every hour.  Blizzard acknowledged the low drop rate that many players had with the [Bag of Candies] and it was fixed in a hotpatch last Friday night. Turned out to be an OK Valentine’s Day.  I did a Molten Core clear that I’ll post about within a few days.

General , World of Warcraft

Northrend Fishing

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Coldarra could be spotted fishing in Grizzly Hills these past few days. He has migrated from standing around in the Stormwind Canals to Northrend, after reaching 330 Fishing skill.  His skill is actually 450 buffed up with  [Seth’s Graphite Fishing Pole] & [Sharpened Fish Hook].  The next step after wondering to Northrend is asking, “Where exactly should I fish.. and where can I fish?!”  That can be answered by one of my favorite WoW websites, El’s Extreme Anglin’ Fishing Guide. El’s Extreme Anglin’ will tell you that most of the Northrend (the southern half) only requires 380 skill to cast […]

Gaming , World of Warcraft

Down with the Drakes

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Last night marked the [Heroic: Twilight Duo] achievement for 25 of my guildies. On our first night of trying Sartharion with two drakes up, we earned our achievement! I must admit it is a very interesting fight.  It’s one that you must watch your footing, surroundings and aggro even more so then many fights in WOTLK.  We finished off the Two Drakes with around 10 players dead.  This made the actual boss fight (Sartharion) take a good 7minuites it seemed.  I know that three heroisms were used throughout the entire encounter.  We’ve been fortunate to have two-three shamans in our […]

Gaming , World of Warcraft

Love is in the Air '09

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Been busy all of yesterday with the Love is in the Air Warcraft event. I finished up almost half of the achievements needed for the [Fool For Love].  In all, I think I spent around 4 hours in the major cities to make 3 [Alliance Gift Collection].  The only achievement to really elude me so far is [Be Mine!] which is a random thing comparable to the Halloween mask achievement [A Mask for All Occasions]. The night ended with us finishing up Naxxramas for the week and then getting a two-shot kill on Malygos.  That makes the 2nd week that […]

Gaming , World of Warcraft

Leveling Fishing.. Again

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Ah fishing… every one’s favorite profession on WoW. Personally, I don’t mind fishing.  It pairs well with playing Bejeweled (addon) and talking on Vent or listening to some music. My first max-level alt, Coldarra, is out to get his fishing up.  Everything is always maxed on my warlock and I like to keep that the same across both characters. I earned the [1000 Fish] achievement shortly after reaching around skill 280.  The great thing about fishing is that you can now stand in one spot forever to skill up off catching fish.  I skilled up my warlock’s fishing by actually […]