The Faceless One, General Vezax has fallen! Well for me anyways, this was the second guild kill on 10man. I was staring at the Atlantic Ocean during the first kill (which was weeks ago sadly.) But after a Mimiron one-shot, we moved onto three-shot Vezax. He is simple with a DeathKnight tank, haxxor simple. We had our mage switch to her DK tank for the boss. So we had to go see Yogg-Saron for a while. I personally had not refreshed myself on the strat for tonight but most of t he raid had the same issue. So we just […]
Wintersaber Rep & Battlegrounds
Not much to write about today thanks to reputation grinding. Today I did my dailies then moved on to work at the Wintersaber Trainers faction. [Rampaging Giants] for example. In the evening, I was grouped with some friends and we queued for Arathi Basin battlegrounds. I managed to grab the achievement [Disgracin’ The Basin] while we killed… Side note: The guild is not doing well on attendance and such — We did not get the chance to do any 25mans this week and even our 10man only ran one night sadly. Hoping for change soon…
The Guild S2E1 – Video
Garona was down for a while today, so I leave you with this: The Guild is back for Season 2 of there show. On the Season Two premiere episode – Codex adjusts to Zaboo as a house-guest while the rest of The Guild finds a valuable object in the game. The Guild – S2 Ep 1: Link the Loot The Guild – S2 Ep 1: Link the Loot
Champion Duties
Just like a loyal solider, I’ve been keeping up with the Argent Tournament daily quests. Aside from about three weeks, my main has been doing his questing for the daily handful of [Champion’s Seal]. But he’s not alone, other characters of mine stay logged out in Icecrown for a reason. Ever since the mention of new rewards in patch 3.2 I’ve been keeping pace with questing for my seals. Prior to that announcement I was taking a small break from the daily quests. However, now I’m doing all the Argent dailies on all three of my level 80 characters. I’ll […]
Dualboxing the Simple Way
“Multiboxing is a term used to denote one user playing multiple accounts simultaneously.” The wonderful world of Multiboxing is not for the faint of heart. However, running two WoW clients on the same PC with two monitors is much more manageable! A friend of mine is kind enough to loan me his DeathKnight (or any character) while he’s AFK. So I have to log on and abuse…erm–use his DK to clear some Stockades with my latest alt: Mage! I’ve grinded my 3rd alt from level 15 up to 24 (although I did quest for about one level in between). My […]
Restless by Neoz – Video
If you read WoW Insider then you’ve probably seen this video but I figured it was worth posting here too. Although the music is a little more chopped up then I like, it’s still a good video. Side note: If the theater does not sell out then I’ll be going to a Midnight release of Harry Potter! Expect a review later. Restless by Neoz Link
Magtheridon 4-Man
A friend and fellow guildie of mine is always out looking for old world bosses like Doom Lord Kazzak & Doomwalker. Why might you ask? So he can 2-4 man them for the gold and epic BoEs they drop. Well, I joined him for a Magtheridon gold run. Yeah — Mag is not a world boss, but he’ll do! We originally tried this with his Shaman Healer, our Paladin Tank friend and my Warlock for a 3-man attempt. It was a little messy, so I switched to my DeathKnight alt — he needed the achievement anyways. Even with my plate […]
Most folks who play WoW have probably heard about wowTwitter by now. Well, you can find my characters online at wowTwitter! I’ll try to use this service but one major reason for my registration to the site can be credited to the Screenshot Contest that WoWInsider posted an article about. I hope to win! Just need to find that perfect shot, like everyone else is trying to do… wowTwitter Links: Uriahworld – Mazer – Coldarra
Tier 8 using WoW Model Viewer – Video
Long day today, so I leave you with this video tutorial by Quix0tica on how to use Tier 8 models with your WoW Model Viewer program. I really need to stop waiting til my raid-time to post, hehe.… (HD for best picture as always.)
Back to Class..
Today, my two week (spring?) break from classes comes to a close… What did I do in this two week span of time, you ask? Now it’s back to being somewhat productive by attending classes towards my Network Systems Administration Degree! To support the “Get a Life” cause, I also gave the notice when I arrived home from vacation that I would be stepping down as a Leader (1 of 3) in the guild. (Which I had to log our AFK from game GM on to do…)