Wishing Everyone a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year Wanted to start out a new year, 2010 with a resolution to keep up with this website!
Turkinator Pilgrims
This World Event marks the last that my main character was lacking! Aside from a few achievements (that are not a necessity for) I have all the World Metas completed on Uriahworld! As always, the two 80 alts need to follow through next and they did.
ToGC 10man
My new guild’s progress is stepping up with many heroic kills in ToGC last week!
My Lil’ KT & Monk
The Blizzard Store now has a few new additions to it, including what you see below! Within an hour of there release, the Pandaren Monk & Lil’ K.T. were mine at the cost of $20. This new move by Blizzard is dubbed ‘microtransactions’, which is basically the exchange of in-game items by means of direct purchase online (via the Blizzard Store). WoW Insider has a nice write-up on microtransactions if you’re interested in more info. One of the nice things about this service is that it can be used for not just raising more money Activision Blizzard’s favor, but also […]
Hallowed Alts & Day of the Dead
Halloween is officially over in Azeroth today, it’s been replaced by Day of the Dead! This is a new event for players and it’s only celebrated f or two days, so be sure to go and get your easy 10pt. achievement [Dead Man’s Party]! It’s as simple as go to any graveyard and /dance with Catrina there. I was online at 1am server when the holiday was activated so I took all my level 80s out to get there achievement quick before retiring for the night. You can also pickup the temporary (2-day) pet Macabre Marionette by buying an item […]
Battle.net = Mr. Chilly
If you have switched over to Battle.net for WoW already then you should have received Mr. Chilly! Everyone must switch to Battle.net by November 11th so you might as well take 5 minutes out of your day and merge. I waited until the BattleBot promotion was out and then merged a few months ago.
Grunty Arrives
After a month of waiting, I finally received my code for Grunty via email! I applied my code and received my [The Marine Marine] achievement on all characters after I logged them in and looted the egg! It’s funny to think that people would buy the Grunty code from the Blizzcon ’09 goodie bag (from Ebay) for almost $100. If they were patient then all folks had to do was buy the $40 stream service and save a load of money. The current ’email’ codes seem to be going for $20-30 on Ebay.
Brewmaster Uriahworld haz Meta
Well I must say, [What A Long, Strange Trip It’s Been]… Completing the meta required me to finish off Brewfest which I did! You can check out Uriah’s Brewfest gear below:
Pirates Day 2009
Yar mateys, it be Pirate’s Day & time for [The Captain’s Booty]. All three level 80s had a toast with the Captain! Tomorrow is Brewfest and Aion!