Gaming , General , Review , World of Warcraft

Battle-Bot, I choose you!

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A Battle-Bot joined all my characters’ inventory a few days ago.  He’s a  neat little bugger. The Battle-Bot was a clever ploy by Blizzard to get many folks to do the WoW account merger.  If you have not grabbed a bot for your account yet, MMO has a good article explaining the process.  It’s really a painless procedure that takes about 5minuites to complete. After the initial day of receiving the pet, you can get a stack of 5xBlue Battle Fuel or 5xRed Battle Fuel each following day by following the same link & logging in.

General , Review

Mountain Dew Gamefuel Winner!

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I won my first prize from the sweepstakes. A Moutain Dew Game Fuel Messenger Bag should show up in the mail in 4-6 weeks!  For those of you earning and bidding with the tokens, I’d recommend going for the lower-sought items like this bag unless you really want something like the mouse.  You have a much higher chance of winning a bag or shirt if you bid 1500+ points on one, especially with the bids reaching about 5,000 on such items.