It’s here and laggy! But really, it looks like a cool patch. If you haven’t been following the news then catch up at with there handy Guide. —————————————————————————————————————– In other news: Back to Ulduar 25 tonight! I’ll be in from the start this week with the guild. Edit: I have a new round of achievements from today’s Ulduar 25 seen below:
Ambassador Coldarra
I worked on my DeathKnight’s home city factions since he was close to exalted on all of them. He now goes by the title Ambassador (from earning [Ambassador of the Alliance] today). Like my Priest before him, all he needs to do is earn Exalted status with the Argent Crusade and he’ll have his Crusader title/achievement. I think Ambassador is a good title for him — he’ probably stick with that even after earning Crusader. I mainly want the achievement complete so he can continue to do all available Argent Daily quests once patch 3.2 hits.
My 25man Progress
Tonight was my first night in 25man with the guild I’ve apped too. After raiding with them on 10man early this week, I switched to Destruction (from Affliction). I grabbed another handful of achievements from the raid tonight. I’m just happy to have finally down all four keepers down on 25man (sad yes). – [Heroic: Stokin’ the Furnace] – – [Heroic: Cheese the Freeze] – – [Heroic: I’ll Take You All On] – – [Heroic: Lose Your Illusion] – – [Heroic: Firefighter] – – [Heroic: The Keepers of Ulduar] –
Yogg One Light – 10man
Today was a fun day. Today was the day that I saw Yogg-Saron for the first time (past phase one) and downed him on the second most difficult mode (One Light).
My 10man Ulduar (Trial Run)
Tonight I ran with my realm’s second best 25man progression guild in a 10man Ulduar. In my current guild, the only hard-mode on 10man that we’ve attempted is XT-002 Deconstructor’s Heartbreaker. The guild I’m running with has completed the 10man Ulduar Meta Achievement. So I read up on all hardmodes up to and including Mimiron. I’m glad I did because they do all the 10man bosses on hardmode. I got what seems like half my own meta achievement completed. I had only done two towers on Flame Leviathan but now I have all these achievements from tonight: [Nuked from Orbit], […]
PvP Time?
Currently, my main is sitting at 630 achievements (6735 pts) which is not too bad.. but like any other addict, I want more! My friend Arcticsky has the most points in the guild (I’m #2) and she is ahead of me by a good 1100+ point lead. I think it’s time to start on those PvP achievements… like [Battlemaster]! I did accomplish The Exalted after-all, many months ago. That took me back to finish many classic WoW factions. Hey, dream big — right? I think I’ll go for Loremaster before I would Battlemaster, but I do plan to start working […]
King(s) of the Fire Festival
Well, today marks the end of 2009’s Midsummer Fire Festival (6/21 – 7/5). I must say that I’m glad the festival is a whole two weeks. The start of my week-long family vacation this year was also the start of the festival in WoW. So the first thing I did when I arrived home last weekend was to go through and do the entire world event on my main character. After completing [The Flame Warden] on my warlock I realized that he made at least 750g or more from doing the event! From there I thought about my two level […]
For those who do not know, V-07-TR-0N is the last phase in the Mimiron boss fight. For the last two weeks, the guild 10-man group I run with have got to Mimiron which is the last boss we need for [The Keepers of Ulduar]. Glory screenshot of one-shot & first-time Thorim kill -> So far we’ve completed: [Shutout] – [Nerf Gravity Bombs] – [I Choose You, Stormcaller Brundir] – [Nerf Engineering] – [Shattered] – [A Quick Shave] – [Orbital Bombardment] – [Orbital Devastation] – [Dwarfageddon] – [Must Deconstruct Faster] – [I Have the Coolest Friends] We’ve only been running for […]
They Love Me In That Tunnel
After about four or five hours of work, I earned [They Love Me In That Tunnel]. I went from Unfriendly all the way to Exalted in just one day. Patch 3.0.8 was a great patch for reputation and achievement junkies. Timbermaw Hold was the last reputation I need for [The Diplomat] achievement and title. Wootz
Down with the Drakes
Last night marked the [Heroic: Twilight Duo] achievement for 25 of my guildies. On our first night of trying Sartharion with two drakes up, we earned our achievement! I must admit it is a very interesting fight. It’s one that you must watch your footing, surroundings and aggro even more so then many fights in WOTLK. We finished off the Two Drakes with around 10 players dead. This made the actual boss fight (Sartharion) take a good 7minuites it seemed. I know that three heroisms were used throughout the entire encounter. We’ve been fortunate to have two-three shamans in our […]