Gaming , General , PvE , World of Warcraft

Monkey Business

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Check out my new trinket!  [Super Simian Sphere] This trinket dropped on a Naxx10 run last Saturday!  If you look it up on WowHead then you’ll see that it seems to drop from any WOTLK instance. I actually lost the /roll on the item but I payed the winner 1000g for it, not bad considering that character was an alt.  

Gaming , General , PvE , World of Warcraft

Additional Instances Cannot Be launched

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Still have troubles with zoning into an instance?  Check out the post below for updates! The limit on active instances was originally implemented as an interim solution to ensure that all active instances perform smoothly. Within the last few weeks, we have configured and optimized our infrastructure to better handle the instance load, and many players are no longer experiencing issues with instance creation. However, to incorporate these upgrades across every realm is not a minor undertaking; it requires fairly complex coordination with third party affiliates who actually host the hardware we utilize. This reconfiguration is already complete on more […]

Gaming , General , Review , Video , World of Warcraft

Blizzcon ‘09 Part Two & Ozzy

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Blizzcon 2009 is coming to an end tonight — the closing ceremonies is on as I post this.   There was some great info released this year, especially about WoW: Cataclysm.  I did watch some of the others panels today relating to Starcraft II and Diablo III.  I’ll probably buy Starcraft II when it’s released, maybe I’ll win a beta key for it. BlizzCon 2009: Props team The concert was crazy! More Screenshots after the Break (next page) below- Click More:

Gaming , General , World of Warcraft

Blizzcon ’09 Part One

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There are over 20,000 people attending Blizzcon 2009 including millions? online too. Blizzcon 2009 -Dance Contest I am not attending Blizzcon this year sadly but I’ve been watching it all day thanks to the online-stream service!  For only $40 you get access to 18+ hours of live Blizzcon plus the Grunty murloc marine pet.  Today was the first day of two for Blizzcon and I definitively do not regret buying the online-stream. There were a lot of cool costumes for the contest and the dance contest is still in progress as I post this.  Some were great but there others […]

General , Tech , World of Warcraft

Forums are Online

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May I introduce you to the Nowhere Left Website Forums! My old guild seems to be falling apart for good this time.  Between folks who are still in that guild and others who have left recently (or even months ago) — I figured that if I setup some forums then my friends could use them. If nothing, I can use this as a way of email (private message feature) to share links and such with some old friends.  I invite anyone to register/join — unless you’re a nuisance, otherwise you’ll be fine.  Forum pwns Email – Forum Link