Aion , Gaming

Aion Online Pre-Select

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The wait is over, I have claimed my two names in Aion (for now). Meet Uriah!  (Creative name, I know!) I did not spend any time really with the other character that I chose, I just wanted to reserve the name until I decide but whatever I do decide on it will be under the name Mazer. What is Pre-Selection you say? “Eligible players will be able to start their game clients and log in to create a total of two characters ahead of everyone else. You can name and create these two characters through the standard character creator and […]

Gaming , General , World of Warcraft

Bad Mojo No More

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My guild I’ve been apped to for the last month and a half <Bad Mojo> will no longer be competitive, at least not in the 25man area. Last night I left and joined my ‘bank’ guild I made years ago. The following message is on the homepage of the guild website It’s been a great run guys. Much love to you all for taking this from a guild where I sat on Vent almost 4 years ago wiping 5 hours to the Bat Boss in ZG and wondering how we’d ever get 40 people for MC to the force […]

Gaming , General , PvE , World of Warcraft

Anub’arak [25] Normal (One-Shot)

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Tonight the guild took on Anub’arak, the final boss in patch 3.2’s Trial of the Crusader raid zone. After clearing the other four encounters leading up to Anub, we one-shotted the big bug and collected our loots. [Call of the Crusade (25 player)] The raid moved on to Ulduar for our Algalon hour of the week.  We came close but no kill this raid lockout. I blame myself for some of the failure from my lack of experience with the encounter. Gear update: Tonight I bought my second T9 piece and also won a nice offhand to use: [Kel’Thuzad’s Leggings […]

Gaming , General , PvP , World of Warcraft

WoW Faction Change Online

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Well, folks who want to reroll the opposite faction can now do so with ease if they want to pay $30. “This service lets you change a character’s faction from Alliance to Horde or from Horde to Alliance. A mandatory opposite-faction race change is part of the faction change process, and the full range of customization options offered by the Character Re-Customization service is included as well. Each faction change costs $30.00 USD.” Check your Account Management for this service. Check out the official faction change FAQ for more info (or Blizzard Support FAQ). “When a character changes factions, that […]