The new Apex Community Website I’ve been working on is live now! at This new website will allow Apex to continue gaming in any capacity while still having a central website location. StarWars: The Old Republic will be out in less than 10 days and it will mark the first major game some Apex members will be playing and utilizing this new website. Background: I joined Apex, the guild on Garona [US] in World of Warcraft back in April this year. This guild itself has been around since the first week of WoW and has actually existed throughout many […]
Looted: Key Art Poster
My poster came in the mail today that I ordered from Blizzard 2011!
Blizzard WoW Annual Pass, Check!
What is a WoW Annual Pass? The WoW Annual Pass is a twelve month World of Warcraft subscription which can be paid for in monthly installments. When do I get Diablo III and the other exclusive benefits? You’ll be able to download and play Diablo III as soon as it’s available and once you complete the one-year term, it’s yours to keep, even if you cancel your subscription. Tyrael’s Charger will be available with Patch 4.3, and beta access will go live with the beta launch.
Now with over 11,000 AP
Time for a Warcraft update. Finally went back into ICC 10 to finish off Heroic LichKing that we did not kill at the end of WOTLK due to raid attendance dropping as Cata approached (my guild completed our Meta though). So anyways, I dragged 9 other souls back into ICC last week to do Heroic LK for the Guild Achievement (and to finish player/individual version). We went back this last Friday and completed the Meta for those who needed it that showed up for our H LK kill last week. Total time played as of this post: 316 days *on […]
Firelands Alysrazor Flying Point of View
Figured I’d record and share my role in this crazy fight. This is the Firelands boss Alysrazor from a flying Point of View
Tri-Monitor Setup now
My Monoprice order has been delivered so now I have my HDMI-to-VGA adapter for my 3rd (15″) monitor, seen on the Left below: Click the images above to view the full size.
Monoprice, Always Winning
Warning, this post is almost a real blog entry! *Gasp* Anyways, I wanted to share an awesome website for those who have been overpaying for various cables assemblies. Monoprice is the word of the day. For all your cable and adapter-like needs. I used to use Ebay primarily for such things but now I just head over to Monoprice for such things. This is why Monoprice is always winning: I can buy all that stuff below when it would cost me pretty much $20 per item in a store (like BestBuy and Staples, or even Walmart). Just the simple DVI […]
Fun with Pistons in Minecraft
So the 1.7 Beta Patch hit Minecraft a few days ago and I was able to update my servers within about 36hours thanks to the folks at! What has come of this patch? PISTONS! Visit for my MC Servers
Coldarra wielder of Thunderfury
My DeathKnight Coldarra has completed the [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker] legendary sword from Molten Core tonight. All I can say is that the RNG Gods favored him. I ran MC a few times this last month with him (solo) when I was bored. So I ran MC last night, Monday, before raid reset – Bam – Garr dropped the Right Half of Thunderaan’s Eternal Prison. Tuesday came along today and I ran through it again (after I did on my warlock first of course) and – Bam – Baron drops the other half. So I took the MATs […]
Upgrade: Logitech Performance Mouse MX
So I just bought one of these tonight for $80 @ Newegg ||Logitech Performance Mouse MX I’ve used two MX Revolutions over the last 3 years & now this one’s middle mouse click is failing So upgrade time! Apparently this model is the new one that I just bought. Looks good on paper, we’ll see. I kinda don’t care about the “Darkfield Laser Tracking” although being able to use my mouse on glass (4mm+ thick) is pretty neat. Edit: Image added below