This is a great video… I’m getting back into Garry’s Mod (10), I tried to setup a dedicated server but the patch won’t connect to Valve for some reason. I tried it on my XP and Vista boxes.
I see you, QuickCam Style
Bow before my new Webcam the Logitech QuickCam Communicate Deluxe Webcam! It can follow your face… kinda cool but creepy too. =D
TheBlueMeep is now 24/7!
Fearless In Harsh Times, a site owned and maintained by TheBlueMeep, is now live! The site is still under construciton but it is up.
The Pirate’s Dilemma
An idea for how the book might work on screen as a documentary – produced by Jesse Alexander, Mark Kotlinski and John Carluccio. Download the Book! Here you can download an electronic copy of the book. The price is entirely up to you.
Stargate: Continuum, July 29th
I can’t wait to rush out and grab a copy of Stargate: Continuum! I comes out this July, the 29th.
Halo 2 – Game / Website Coming Soon
Long time, no post — was on vacation in Myrtle Beach, SC. I plan on reworking my site soon, there will be more then just a blog! (yay) I bought Halo 2 for PC yesterday, kinda because I like the Halo series and kinda because I’ve yet to play 2 & 3. I’m slow, I know. Might get a 360 one day, until then — PC Gamer all the way. At least I can play on the Xbox live servers with friends while getting some DirectX10 action.
Weezer – Pork & Beans – Video
Interesting video :D Barely Political is at it again. "She Wants My … Stimulus PACKAGE"