Zeldo and his music video “HAX” have taken over ‘Couple of Friends,’ a hip hop competition for one’s own Digital EP! The official music video for Zeldo in the ‘Couple of Friends’ competition. Visit http://www.coupleoffriends.com for more!
Scourge Chat Log
There is a great post on the forums that any WoW player should check out for a good laugh. Coffee with Sargeras – http://cwsargeras.blogspot.com/ Here’s a preview: [theLichKing]: Hey [theLichKing]: Anyone there? [theLichKing]: *drums fingers* ***User “Kel’Thuz4d” has entered the chat.*** [theLichKing]: Hey man. [Kel’Thuz4d]: my liege [theLichKing]: Listen, there’s this thing I need you to do for me [Kel’Thuz4d]: anything my liege [Kel’Thuz4d]: what army must i lay to waste [Kel’Thuz4d]: whose lands shall i decimate for ur glory [theLichKing]: Um, yeah, I’m good on decimation for today. We’re going to hold off on the decimation for, like, a […]
Abandonation – 5 Cap – Videos
New Video from AbandonationZ coming soon! I’m always on the look out for new epics created by groups like the DruidboyZ, PVPGurl and the now retired Nyhm.
Uriahworld the Exalted
After months of waiting and many rep farms with hours of running things like Dire Maul… Boom. I hit [40 Exalted Reputations] Thursday while running Molten Core for my 40th and last needed rep of the [Hydraxian Waterlords]. Normally the run happens Tuesday but the patch delayed this weeks raid. My partners in crime, Arcticsky and Leopole, had there 40 reputations done a week ago–so I was not far behind them. Both pursued the Steamwheedle Cartel (from my earlier posts) after I unearthed the relatively simple four-at-once rep grind it offers. The only two reps to go after is the […]
King of Dire Maul
Been working a lot on achievements this last month. The last week though, I spent roughly 30+ hours in Dire Maul which was over 120 instance resets. You might wonder how many sane people would farm Dire Maul at level 80 for almost a week. The answer: REP!! In order to get the Title Reward: The Exalted, you need to have [40 Exalted Reputations]. You can see below that I’m now only 1 away from my goal of 40. But back to Dire Maul, unknown to some — it can be used to gain reputation with the Steamwheedle Cartel (Four […]
Mechano Water Chopper
A friend and me test drive my new Mekgineer’s Chopper…. look it works on water! I mounted up in just the right spot and my friend used a Water Walking Elixir to hop on! Music by: Dem Franchize Boyz – Ridin’ Rims Download at: http://www.warcraftmovies.com/movieview.php?id=104227
They Love Me In That Tunnel
After about four or five hours of work, I earned [They Love Me In That Tunnel]. I went from Unfriendly all the way to Exalted in just one day. Patch 3.0.8 was a great patch for reputation and achievement junkies. Timbermaw Hold was the last reputation I need for [The Diplomat] achievement and title. Wootz
"The Colonel" – Classic Clips
Been pre-occupied with class finals and raiding 10-man Obsidian Sanctum (along with nightly guild raids)…. I promise more posts soon. Until then, enjoy some Mel Gibson: Mel Gibson in “The Colonel” on Jimmy Kimmel Live
The Molten Core, Part 1
Remember Level 60 Raiding? Like Molten Core 40mans? Some of the millions of subscribers surely do… maybe not the Burning Crusade generation or any new players starting off in Wrath of the Lich King era. Those were some good ol’ days of raiding. Days where it did not matter so much if you did not have a full raid. Back then some of the fights seemed so hard to master but by today’s standards, they’re a piece of cake. My Warlock and a Protection Paladin friend of mine 2-manned a good 2/5 of Molten Core, check back later for an […]
The Ultimate Showdown – Classic Clips
Lemon Demon – The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/285267