My Mountain Dew bag arrived in the mail while I was on vacation last week! I really did not expect it for a couple more weeks really, so it was a nice surprise. Here’s some photos of the bag and an up-close of the front:
Transformers 2 – Movie
Wednesday was a great day… why you ask? Because Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen came out and I was up early to go see it. I give it a 10/10 !
XLootMaster – Addon
I usually do not cover mods on this blog, so I thought I better give it a try! This addon (in my opinion) is the best for a MasterLooter. It should be of interest to any Raid Leader/Master Looter. The project manager Xuerian Highly configurable master looter dropdown menu” edition to Xloot and I describe it as MasterLooting Done Simple and Easy. From the configuration interface (/xloot options), you can set different options for solo mode or as MasterLooter. You can set it to announce when someone receives a certain type of loot (epic, superior, etc.) to the raid or […]
Do the Dew
After long last, I finally get my hands on some World of Warcraft Mt. Dew Gaming Fuel I discovered this find about 30 minutes ago in my college’s cafeteria! Take that Walmart… So far, I’ve downed most of the Alliance bottle–which I seem to favor over the Horde. Not just for obvious reasons but for the flavor and taste. The citrus in the Horde mix just does not top the Alliance’s wild fruitiness. Enjoy the wonderfully low-quality pictures from my cheap Net10 cell phone:
Mtn Dew Game Fuel “Choose Your Side” – Video
“To help celebrate the launch of Mountain Dew Game Fuel® Citrus Cherry and Mountain Dew Game Fuel® Wild Fruit, Blizzard Entertainment® and Mountain Dew team up for a unique sweepstakes promotion at Go now and choose your side!”
From Heroics to the Necropolis
Been skipping out a little with this blog but here’s an update on my holy priest Mazer. Mazer is almost fully epic, after only being 80 for less than two weeks. The only thing not currenty epic ilvl 200+ right now on him is a necklace. He is wearing the Argent tournament necklace right now but he actually has the quest and item to get the necklace from Malygos 25man [Life-Binder’s Locket] thanks to the Naxx25 run last Saturday and some hot dice. This is my first healing toon and being the first, I’ve never had the chance to heal […]
Battle-Bot, I choose you!
A Battle-Bot joined all my characters’ inventory a few days ago. He’s a neat little bugger. The Battle-Bot was a clever ploy by Blizzard to get many folks to do the WoW account merger. If you have not grabbed a bot for your account yet, MMO has a good article explaining the process. It’s really a painless procedure that takes about 5minuites to complete. After the initial day of receiving the pet, you can get a stack of 5xBlue Battle Fuel or 5xRed Battle Fuel each following day by following the same link & logging in.
Windows 7, Rawr?
I’m writing this post from my Laptop which has been running Windows 7 (RC) for over a week now. As far as looks, this is Vista which an update; Same general concept on most things. I have not found anything so far that I did not like with this OS. Since this is the RC I expected a few bugs however the only thing I’ve noticed is a problem with Sleep/Hibernate functions. I usually don’t shut my laptop down, I like to hibernate it. So this is a bit of annoyance, about 30% of the time the system will just […]
Mountain Dew Gamefuel Winner!
I won my first prize from the sweepstakes. A Moutain Dew Game Fuel Messenger Bag should show up in the mail in 4-6 weeks! For those of you earning and bidding with the tokens, I’d recommend going for the lower-sought items like this bag unless you really want something like the mouse. You have a much higher chance of winning a bag or shirt if you bid 1500+ points on one, especially with the bids reaching about 5,000 on such items.
Mazer, Level 80!
This is a little late but my priest Mazer hit level 80 Saturday, woot! He is wearing a couple epics already thanks to tailoring and Valor tokens. For 60 tokens, I bought [Cuffs of the Shadow Ascendant] a good set of BoE bracers to start out with. Tailoring wise, I crafted 4 pieces including: [Moonshroud Robe], [Moonshroud Gloves], [Wispcloak], and a [Hat of Wintry Doom]. The rest of his current gear is from the various quests and 5-man dungeons. I’ve started with heroics so the 40 Emblem of Heroism belt will be coming soon! I bought Dual Talent Specialization on […]