Gaming , General , Review , Tech , World of Warcraft


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Most folks who play WoW have probably heard about wowTwitter by now.  Well, you can find my characters online at wowTwitter! I’ll try to use this service but one major reason for my registration to the site can be credited to the Screenshot Contest that WoWInsider posted an article about. I hope to win! Just need to find that perfect shot, like everyone else is trying to do… wowTwitter Links: Uriahworld – Mazer – Coldarra

General , World of Warcraft

Back to Class..

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Today, my two week (spring?) break from classes comes to a close… What did I do in this two week span of time, you ask? Now it’s back to being somewhat productive by attending classes towards my Network Systems Administration Degree! To support the “Get a Life” cause, I also gave the notice when I arrived home from vacation that I would be stepping down as a Leader (1 of 3) in the guild.  (Which I had to log our AFK from game GM on to do…)  

Gaming , General , World of Warcraft

WoW Addons + Website Music

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Update: I’ve included a Music player in the sidebar of my site!  Check it out sometime. As I sat updating some mods today, I decided to compile a list of addons I use currently in World of Warcraft… Here are some uncommon mods I use: Bagnon Bagnon is an addon that merges all of your bags into three frames: One for your inventory, one for your bank, and one for your keyring. LootHog LootHog detects and tracks rolls which are made with ‘/random’ or ‘/roll’ and sorts them, allowing raid leaders to announce roll winners quickly and easily. XLoot A […]

Gaming , World of Warcraft

King(s) of the Fire Festival

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Well, today marks the end of 2009’s Midsummer Fire Festival (6/21 – 7/5). I must say that I’m glad the festival is a whole two weeks.  The start of my week-long family vacation this year was also the start of the festival in WoW. So the first thing I did when I arrived home last weekend was to go through and do the entire world event on my main character. After completing  [The Flame Warden] on my warlock I realized that he made at least 750g or more from doing the event!  From there I thought about my two level […]

General , Tech

Google Wave at I/O 2009

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If you keep up with what’s new on the net then you’ve probably heard of Google Wave by now. I can’t wait to give it a try!  I’ve been a member of gmail since I could get my hand on an invite years ago. I’m sure Wave will be great as well. Google Wave Developer Preview at Google I/O 2009

Gaming , General , World of Warcraft

Warlock Tier-9 Preview

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MMO-Champion now has confirmation on the new tier-9 gear! Blizzard: “In patch 3.2, Call of the Crusade, players will be able to work toward the all-new tier-9 class sets by competing in the Crusaders’ Coliseum. To keep with the themes of the Argent Tournament, players will notice this time around that the Horde and Alliance.” It sounds good to me and the new Warlock armor looks more appealing then it’s previous tier-8 set.  However, I currently own a complete set of the Deathbringer Garb with four pieces being conqueror (heroic) grade.  The only item not conqueror grade are my [Valorous […]

Gaming , General , Machinima , Video , World of Warcraft

Illegal Danish 3 Prelude – Video

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Link to Article “Myndflame is excited to announce the release of the Illegal Danish 3 Prelude, a glimpse into the future of their in-house World of Warcraft fan films. Starting in 2005, Myndflame created “Zinwrath: The Movie”, a highly successful comedy known for its game-related humor, high production values, memorable characters, actors, and an all original soundtrack. Later evolving into the “Illegal Danish” franchise, “The Ballad of Dirti G” promises to continue the story in shorter episodes with more emphasis on character and story development with a shorter production time.” The Prelude ‘A glimpse of the future, the Prelude to […]


Hello world v2.0

Posted on: has moved!  This website was originally part of a hosting plan on a friend’s account but now I fully host it on my own plan. Now has moved to (Due to some technical limitations, I had to choose a new domain if I wanted it to be on my account.) All plugins and such will be updated/installed and this website will be fully operational by the weekend. Thank you for your continued support!