Adam Sandler, Seth Rogan, & Leslie Mann did not disappoint with the latest movie “Funny People”. I just got back from watching it and I’m still replaying some good scenes in my head as I type this. 8.5/10 IMDB Link – Youtube HD
Ambassador Coldarra
I worked on my DeathKnight’s home city factions since he was close to exalted on all of them. He now goes by the title Ambassador (from earning [Ambassador of the Alliance] today). Like my Priest before him, all he needs to do is earn Exalted status with the Argent Crusade and he’ll have his Crusader title/achievement. I think Ambassador is a good title for him — he’ probably stick with that even after earning Crusader. I mainly want the achievement complete so he can continue to do all available Argent Daily quests once patch 3.2 hits.
My 25man Progress
Tonight was my first night in 25man with the guild I’ve apped too. After raiding with them on 10man early this week, I switched to Destruction (from Affliction). I grabbed another handful of achievements from the raid tonight. I’m just happy to have finally down all four keepers down on 25man (sad yes). – [Heroic: Stokin’ the Furnace] – – [Heroic: Cheese the Freeze] – – [Heroic: I’ll Take You All On] – – [Heroic: Lose Your Illusion] – – [Heroic: Firefighter] – – [Heroic: The Keepers of Ulduar] –
Yogg One Light – 10man
Today was a fun day. Today was the day that I saw Yogg-Saron for the first time (past phase one) and downed him on the second most difficult mode (One Light).
My 10man Ulduar (Trial Run)
Tonight I ran with my realm’s second best 25man progression guild in a 10man Ulduar. In my current guild, the only hard-mode on 10man that we’ve attempted is XT-002 Deconstructor’s Heartbreaker. The guild I’m running with has completed the 10man Ulduar Meta Achievement. So I read up on all hardmodes up to and including Mimiron. I’m glad I did because they do all the 10man bosses on hardmode. I got what seems like half my own meta achievement completed. I had only done two towers on Flame Leviathan but now I have all these achievements from tonight: [Nuked from Orbit], […]
WoW Hobbs – Video
WoWHobbs is back and in his latest video he’s dragging all of Deadmines behind him! “I called this visual art cause I really liked watching the motion of the numbers of mobs pathing. It’s like when you drive a car vs being a passenger, you see more as a passenger. I’ve pointed out in this video what I had not seen while playing.”
Embrace the Frostsaber
After many days & visits to Winterspring, the [Reins of the Winterspring Frostsaber] is now mine! Since I already completed my achievement for the Timbermaw rep, I ended up wasting around 150x[Winterfall Spirit Beads] but that’s OK because I’m finally done. The grind for the Wintersaber Trainers begins and ends with Rivern Frostwind in Winterspring. A basic break down of the reputation is this: Frostsaber Provisions (250 Rep) is the only quest until neutral 1500/3000. Winterfall Intrusion (250 Rep) quest will be available once you’re halfway through neutral. Rampaging Giants (350 Rep) opens up after Honored is achieved. All three […]
Crusader Mazer
My priest Mazer now has his Crusader title! I offered my healing services on him to the guild last night. We’re really lacking bodies for Ulduar 25 and healing was down last night so there I am healing. I was happy with the meters, #1 on Ignis and was pretty high on Kologarn as well. We also down Auriaya to finish off the night.
Still Wintersabers
During my ‘down time’ I’m still working Wintersaber Trainers Reputation grind. Sadly, not much else happening at the moment. We had to PuG some raiders tonight to fill out 25man Ulduar. On a side note, I owned Razorscale tonight:
Multiboxing Unmasked by Turpster
If you read then you probably noticed this video but I’ll post it just incase you don’t! This video is from a series found on WoWInsider by Turpster. Multiboxer’s oath: I wanna be the very best, Like no one ever was. To roll 5 toons is my real test, To level them all at once. I will travel across the land, Questing far and wide. Or just get boosted through SM, And the huge amounds of XP that’s inside. MULTIBOX! (GOTTA PLAY’EM ALL!) It’s you, you, you, you and me! I know it’s my destiny! TO ONE SHOT!