Gaming , General , PvE , World of Warcraft

Almost there… feeling Disarmed

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Many tonight rejoice in my guild <Bad Mojo>. Tonight is the night that we’ve conquered [One Light in the Darkness (25 player)], the last achievement many needed to complete there meta for the wonderful proto-drake. We took out Iron Dwarf, Medium Rare after killing Yogg with One light because many, like me, still needed that achievement. Now the only achievement I need is the silly [Disarmed] one off of Kologarn to complete my meta.

Gaming , General , PvE , World of Warcraft

First ilvl245 Item

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Only thing new achievement wise is [Crazy Cat Lady (25 player)] but we cleared Ulduar 25 tonight up to Yogg/Algalon tonight.  So we’ll have a full night Sunday for Yogg, can’t wait to get him down. We had the 1 Light encounter at 2% when he enraged last week, so we were close.  Aside from that, I need Kologarn and Iron Dwarf achievements to complete my meta. The new chest piece I’m wearing is the [Flowing Vestments of Ascent] (ilvl245) from 25man Normal Trial of the Crusader.  I still keep my 4/5 set bonus from T8 because I was wearing […]

Gaming , General , PvE , World of Warcraft

Rusted Proto-Drake

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Oh yes, I’m now riding around on my new [Rusted Proto-Drake] mount. What does this mean?  It means that I’ve completed the [Glory of the Ulduar Raider (10 player)] achievement!  Our guild 10man knocked out every achievement needed for this mount in less then 5 hours. (I only needed about 1/3 of them but some folks got all of them in one night!) I’m super psyched to get this done… not only is it a nice feat but it’s also a 310% mount reward which makes my first “extremely fast” mount.  I missed out on the pre-patch 3.1.0 meta achievements […]

Gaming , General , PvE , World of Warcraft

Steelbreaker & Yogg 25man

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We’ve been working on Yogg-One Light these last two raid nights this week. We had him down to 2% Monday night when he enraged on us (and basically one-shot everyone).  But it was past offical raid-end so we activated the other 3 keepers and wiped-out Yogg since the reset was tomorrow.  We do not plan to use the new extend raid-lockout feature becasue that would shut-out Algalon for another week (you only have one hour to defeat him per lockout). (Screenshot coming soon!) The real excitement of last night was the first hour because it was the first time I […]

Gaming , General , PvE , World of Warcraft

Freya & Vezax Hard-Mode (25man)

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Tonight we conquered Freya with 3 Elders up along with General Vezax on hard-mode (Saronite Animus)! That’s two nice progression pushes in one night so it was a great feeling to get those out of the way.  We’ll be doing Yogg-One Light Sunday or Monday so I’m looking forward to that. Check us out on Guildox at: – [Knock, Knock, Knock on Wood (25 player)] – – [I Love the Smell of Saronite in the Morning (25 player)] –

Gaming , General , Machinima , PvE , PvP , Video , World of Warcraft

Call of the Crusade

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It’s here and laggy!  But really, it looks like a cool patch. If you haven’t been following the news then catch up at with there handy Guide. —————————————————————————————————————– In other news: Back to Ulduar 25 tonight!  I’ll be in from the start this week with the guild. Edit: I have a new round of achievements from today’s Ulduar 25 seen below:

Gaming , General , World of Warcraft

New Guild Tag

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I’m now officially an applicant of <Bad Mojo> the guild I was recently trying-out with over the past week.  The app process can take up to a month from what I read, so I wonder how I’ll do. I meant to post this after I was tagged (guild invited) Sunday night.  Sorry, been busy – side note: Patch 3.2 should be live when I wake up Tuesday!  Expect some info on that soon.