If you have switched over to Battle.net for WoW already then you should have received Mr. Chilly! Everyone must switch to Battle.net by November 11th so you might as well take 5 minutes out of your day and merge. I waited until the BattleBot promotion was out and then merged a few months ago.
Nation vs. Abandonation – Video
New video from AbandonationZ. Nation vs. Abandonation
Going Ape.. erm Ogre!
Raid was called tonight, so I wanted to try something out and it worked! I cooked up a [Gigantic Feast], grabbed a [Gordok Ogre Suit] and equipped my [Super Simian Sphere]. After finding a willing Shaman with Heroism, I transformed into what you see below! Step 1. Eat feast and use trinket. Step 2. Transform & pop Heroism. Step 3. DANCE! Then Heroism wore off but I continued until my Going Ape! buff faded, wuhahaha.
Grind – Video
Grind, the latest video by Nyhm and Summergale! A parody of Busta Rhymes “Break Ya Neck” Youtube HD
Grunty Arrives
After a month of waiting, I finally received my code for Grunty via email! I applied my code and received my [The Marine Marine] achievement on all characters after I logged them in and looted the egg! It’s funny to think that people would buy the Grunty code from the Blizzcon ’09 goodie bag (from Ebay) for almost $100. If they were patient then all folks had to do was buy the $40 stream service and save a load of money. The current ’email’ codes seem to be going for $20-30 on Ebay.
Brewmaster Uriahworld haz Meta
Well I must say, [What A Long, Strange Trip It’s Been]… Completing the meta required me to finish off Brewfest which I did! You can check out Uriah’s Brewfest gear below:
Pirates Day 2009
Yar mateys, it be Pirate’s Day & time for [The Captain’s Booty]. All three level 80s had a toast with the Captain! Tomorrow is Brewfest and Aion!
Arena Love Game – Video
New video from Quix0tica – Music video parody of “Love Game” from Lady GaGa. Arena Love Game Wanted to give the alliance a little love, so the main character for the machinimated parts was a draenei. The pvp footage is from my ud priest & since the general population wanted a mix of footage, I had just a short couple clips of me irl.
Bad Mojo No More
My guild I’ve been apped to for the last month and a half <Bad Mojo> will no longer be competitive, at least not in the 25man area. Last night I left and joined my ‘bank’ guild I made years ago. The following message is on the homepage of the guild website www.badmojo.guildomatic.com/news/show/311898 It’s been a great run guys. Much love to you all for taking this from a guild where I sat on Vent almost 4 years ago wiping 5 hours to the Bat Boss in ZG and wondering how we’d ever get 40 people for MC to the force […]
Lil’ Game Hunter
Who would know that there are alligators in quests bags. Chuck was my 75th pet so I also got the achievement [Lil’ Game Hunter] as soon as I summoned him. Here’s my little Little Deer… that has basically no animation. More points to come!