Gaming , General , Review , World of Warcraft

My Lil’ KT & Monk

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The Blizzard Store now has a few new additions to it, including what you see below! Within an hour of there release, the Pandaren Monk & Lil’ K.T. were mine at the cost of $20. This new move by Blizzard is dubbed ‘microtransactions’, which is basically the exchange of in-game items by means of direct purchase online (via the Blizzard Store). WoW Insider has a nice write-up on microtransactions if you’re interested in more info. One of the nice things about this service is that it can be used for not just raising more money Activision Blizzard’s favor, but also […]

Gaming , General , PvE , World of Warcraft

Hallowed Alts & Day of the Dead

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Halloween is officially over in Azeroth today, it’s been replaced by Day of the Dead! This is a new event for players and it’s only celebrated f or two days, so be sure to go and get your easy 10pt. achievement [Dead Man’s Party]! It’s as simple as go to any graveyard and /dance with Catrina there.  I was online at 1am server when the holiday was activated so I took all my level 80s out to get there achievement quick before retiring for the night. You can also pickup the temporary (2-day) pet Macabre Marionette by buying an item […]

Gaming , General , World of Warcraft

#BlizzChat Dev. Chat (Twitter)

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The Blizzard Devs replied to one of my questions I submitted to the BlizzChat! Q: Will 10-man raiding guilds see Legendary quality weapons (items) drop in their raids anytime soon? Or in Cataclysm? A: Our current plan is to reserve Legendary weapons for the 25 person encounters, I wouldn’t rule it out in the future though. You can read the rest of the ~40 questions that were answered via the official forums: Forums Topic: BlizzChat Developer Chat on Twitter I do not use my twitter account for much, it pretty much only updates Youtube activity. Uriahworld@Twitter – Warcraft@Twitter

Gaming , General , World of Warcraft

Buyin Gold Make Murloc Cry

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Blizzard added a new FAQ page all about buying gold… We would like to make a clear statement here about the negative impact of buying gold and using power-leveling services. Every day, we encounter players who have been negatively affected and targeted by companies offering these services. So, we hope to raise awareness about the practices they engage in and the detrimental effects they have on all players, including their own customers, as well as on the game environment as a whole. Click this FAQ to read the rest!