Well the we have finally downed Lich King! Unfortunately I had to use my warrior… Due to the wondrous nature of 10man Raiding Guild Recruitment, I bit the bullet and just brought my alt Prot Warrior Rackham in for our first Lich King kill. Although having the Kingslayer title on my alt is amusing, I will be on my Warlock next time fulfilling my proper role in raid, to melt faces. We actually downed him on our last go for the night as Raid End time passed as we were doing the encounter. Always nice to grab the kill even […]
Ansible, the Elemental Shaman
My latest level 80, the shaman named: Ansible. This makes my 6th level 80 character in WoW (or 5th maxed alt). However, Ansible is my first caster (DPS) alt so I’m really looking forward to what she can do with some gear. I do have my priest but I only ever plan to heal with him, normally as holy even though I’ll level to 85 as shadow spec. Update: Been many weeks since the ding to 80 and now I have pretty much everything I’ll loot outside of doing some raids. I still need my boots (and trinket) from […]
I’m a Rocketman, burning up RaF tonight…
Hey homles, check out the new ride! If you have not heard, or live under a rock, the new Recruit-a-Friend rewards mount is the X-53 Touring Rocket two person flying mount and it’s badass! It scales to what your maximum flight speed is such as if you have epic flying and/or a 310% mount! You might be wondering who I recruited? Well I must admit it was just myself… I used my old second account (from back in December) for the Rewards portion. How can you get this mount? If recruiting a friend is not an option then you’ll end […]
How to: Light-up Dalaran
Lighting up Dalaran! The latest small video from yours truly. Item needed: Windle’s Lighter from Windle Sparkshine.
Deepholm the Patient Prot Pally
Been slacking a little with posting updates but here you go! I present to you my level 80 Paladin, Deepholm! This guy has actually been 80 for almost two weeks (from this post). The random dungeon finder graced me with the triumph the gear up fast to T9 232 ilvl average along with my ToC5 Heroic Sword! I must admit I find my warrior to fill the tanking role better for my play style but this paladin has his own perks.
TCG Goodies & My Horse
I bought some more cards! In this collection is a total of 101 Cards. More Info on the Scourgewar series checkout UpperDeck official website. The Little White Stallion Bridle item which is obtained through the Trading Card Game (Loot Cards) can be seen in the video below. The drawback of this item is that you will receive 50 ‘charges’ so it is a limited use item. It’s by no means a permanent/regular mount, only an item in your backpack. I made a small clip of my “Tiny” mount from WoW:
Renewed.. Love is in the Air!
Well it’s time of the year again, the valentines are filled out & perfume/cologne is abused. This year is different though! The in-game world event for Love is in the Air received a major face-lift this year. We have a completely different system for the [Love Token] and the needed achievement items / vanity items. Many sites like WoW.com and MMO-Champ have laid out the details but it’s a good change to this holiday. You can now guarantee grabbing a Peddlefeet! I’m actually not to worried about getting it complete on my alts with this nerf/change. Here is a screenshot […]
The Plagueworks was merely a setback!
The guild has been busy in ICC lately with the newer wings that have opened up… Frostwing Halls wing is our target now, one more boss left! And after Sindragosa, the Lich King himself will be next on our list… Frostwing Halls Progression Scourge waves put up a fight for about an hour but after switching a tank, the dragon was restored. Crimson Hall Progression The Blood-Queen died our first night we fought her, took only a few wipes to understand the fight. Being the warlock in-raid, it was my job to ‘tank’ Prince Keleseth during the encounter, rawr.
Rackham, 80 Prot. Warrior
Despite the lack of posting about my new alts… I now have a level 80 Gnome Warrior! Recently, I bought another WoW account (on sale for $5) and went through the recruit-a-friend process to link my two accounts together. Why do this? To gain the benefits of the R.A.F. of course! (I plan to post about my experience with the RAF later.) It more or less allowed me to ‘pwrlvl’ him from 1-60 in a few days and from there I grinded to 68 in Outland. Once any of my characters hit 68, it will take me about a week […]
Plagueworks Raiding
Update 1/26/09: Professor Putricide also is down! The first gated content in Icecrown Citadel has opened up & I’m looking forward to it! We had some good tries with Professor Putricide this first week but the 10 attempts were not enough to kill him off. We did take down Rotface & Festergut with relative ease though. I wish Blizzard would stray away from the limited attempts scenario for raid bosses but they have improved from Anub’arak. Many guilds, even the ‘high-end’ ones really did not approve of such achievements as [A Tribute to Insanity]. Keeping achievements away from ‘how many […]