Mean while in a tent this evening…
Cataclysm here, 85 after two days
The mighty Deathwing has broke through Deepholm into our Realm… Updates coming soon! Uriahworld@Garona
How to Fix $160 WoW Headset Mic
So I bought a Sound Blaster World Of Warcraft Wireless Headset about a month ago for $140 (on sale). And ever since using this headset, the earphone sound is great but many of my friends on Ventrilo hate the new mic! After toying with every setting I can think of and trying to find a solution online, I stumbled upon my own small fix. Ever see the mics with a foam cap covering the tip — like the one to right side of this paragraph? That’s what you need! Except I don’t have such a thing so I made my […]
Dig Site Website Aggro
Hello folks! Sorry for no update in awhile. I’ve been busy with various things but also with a new website focused on the World of Warcraft Secondary Profession: Archaeology which is due out with the Cataclysm Expansion. Unfortunately I am still not part of the Beta myself, however I do have a good friend through whom I’m able to get the inside scoop. I plan on having much more content in place by the time of the actual Expansion release. (Here’s to hoping it will be a popular site!) It’s still under construction but the link is below for anyone […]
My StarCraft II Beta Invite
So with less than two weeks to go before release, Blizz decides to email me a beta key. This kinda makes me do a /sigh for being so late with an invite but I guess they’re sending mass invites out when the launch is very close. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad to get a Beta Key for SC2 and I think it’s helped push me to buy a copy. Only the Multiplayer aspect is included in Beta but I’ve played enough now to know I’d at least like to do the Campaign bit with the actual game. My previous […]
Getting Close to the ICC Meta
My Guild is getting close, inching evermore closer towards the ICC 10 meta achievement. With Professor Putricide down (7/15/10), we now need Sindragosa on Heroic and to clean up a few more achievements for the [Glory of the Icecrown Raider (10 player)]. Unfortuently I had to sign off the Warlock and onto my Warrior tank (Rackham) for our first Professor Putricide kill but all in due time I suppose. (I did the same thing for our first LK kill.) My ultimate personal goal for the Expansion is to complete end game content which is currently obtaining the [Reins of the […]
Ironforge Bank Laser Attack
Ironforge Bank Laser Attack, totally not a corny title. So my Mage friend and I are bored, thus we’re zapping unsuspecting folks in Ironforge with our Dark Jade Focusing Lens! Do you want to get ontop of the Bank like us? Check out Youtube videos about it like this one, need a mage though! ____________________ Music: Myndflame – Defias Mightiest (You can Download the MP3 Here)
New Website Project
Just a heads up on my new ‘project’, I’m starting an informational site about WoW leveling. The focus will be on the Recruit-a-Friend service at first but I’ll expand it once I cover that content. Many people do not realize how easy it is to make an army of level 60s with the RaF service so I’m here to educate you! Check back soon for more details and a link. This is part of the reason for the lack of posts here but I’ll get on top of that! Until then, my Warrior is going around for the Midsummer Fire […]
iPhone Game: Glass Tower 2
Normally I don’t post non-PC related things but this game is too addicting for me not to mention it. “As its name aptly suggest, iDevUA’s Glass Tower 2 is a game app where a tower made of glass bricks presents itself as a puzzle – how do you get rid of the blue blocks without making the red blocks fall off? Simply tapping the blue blocks will obliterate them (with a satisfying shattering sound) and gain you points, but do this carelessly, and the red blocks will tumble off the platform and break, knocking points off your score as well […]
Guild ICC Heroic Modes
Tuesday was our first step into Heroic Modes with ICC10, three down so far! I think Icecrown Citadel, at least on Heroic, presents an interesting challenge for Raid Leaders. With the ability to toggle Heroic on and off, you have to make your own plan of attack such as who to focus on first. During our first week, we took out the first three bosses with relative ease but then the fourth, Saurfang, is a whole other ballgame. We ended up skipping him (killing him on normal mode) for this week so we could try other bosses on our way […]